The Vaysse Forest is a vast expanse of woodland taken over by false (wild) acacia trees, although its name comes from the old Southern French word « vaïssa », meaning a hazel tree. But make no mistake : if our forebears gave it this name, it was because originally, the hazel was indeed the predominant tree here …. until the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the development of coal mining.

Our forest is in fact a succession of open-cast mines exploited in the 19th century, which were replanted with wild acacia trees when the mines ceased to be worked. Over time, these trees have taken over the area : it has to be said that this variety of tree has a tendency to do this ! But nowadays, what a pleasure it is to stroll along these woodland paths, especially in springtime when the acacias are in blossom and give out their heady perfume. The many bees are delighted to come and gather nectar, and if you keep still for a moment, you can’t miss their constant humming – quite an impressive sound ! The food-lovers among us will want to gather some blossom to make delicious acacia fritters.

The forest has several more secrets in store for you, particularly examples of industrial archaeology, among them the tunnel and the rock-with-a-hole. Another surprise is under the ground : the famous « Burning Mountain » and its natural underground combustion, which gives off gas rich in properties for treating rheumatism and arthritis. The pipes conveying the gas to the spa are easy to spot.

The easiest way to make the most of all these treasures is to get hold of a copy of the ramblers’ guide « From Découverte to discovery » (this is a pun on the word Découverte with a capital D, which was one of the largest open-cast mines in France). This guide-book proposes a variety of clearly marked circular walks which are suitable for families and for seasoned hikers, and which point out all the places not to be missed. You can get this guide-book at the Decazeville Area Tourist Office, which can also give information about the extremely popular, and profitable, thermal cures.

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